Finger Tied Jr. is coming…

Even though I’ve been hard at work on a new game (Snow Siege – I should really post about that…), I’ve also been working on Finger Tied Jr. What’s that you ask? Finger Tied Jr. is Finger Tied for the iPhone and iPod touch. And it’s going to launch on Thursday, May 23, 2013.

Finger Tied Jr.

Finger Tied Jr.

Finger Tied for iPad turned out to be quite popular, and was launched to much critical acclaim. Apple even picked it as one of their “Best of the App Store” for 2012 in the “New Ways to Play” category. Many people asked me if I’d consider doing a version for iPhone and iPod touch, because they didn’t have iPads. After Finger Tied launched, I started working on a version for iPhone, but I just couldn’t get something I was happy with. I didn’t want to just do a quick port that didn’t work, I wanted a game that was as good as the iPad version.

A bit discouraged, I put the project aside and moved on to other things. However, this spring I got the game out again and realized there definitely was potential in it. I started thinking about the game differently, and I redesigned the game for the iPhone. Finger Tied Jr. has all new levels that are designed to be fun on the smaller screen of the iPhone and iPod touch. I had to change the “rules” I had about what made puzzles in Finger Tied fun, because what was fun on a big screen wasn’t necessarily fun on a small screen.

In the end, I’m really happy with how Finger Tied Jr. turned out. It has the same feel as Finger Tied, but I think it really works on the smaller screen. So keep an eye out, and grab the game on launch day for only $0.99!
