A Question for Monday Morning

I spent a lot of the weekend working on a prototype for a new game. I had an idea for a simple game mechanic that I thought would be really fun. This happened Thursday night. I then spend Friday morning obsessively drawing concept art. By Friday afternoon I started coding. By Saturday evening I had a playable prototype which turned out to be quite fun.

I had been working on a non-game utility app that I was quite excited about. However, this game concept grabbed my brain and pulled. I’m going to spend a couple more days playing with the prototype code to see if it’s worth developing into a full game. At that point I’ll decide whether to go back and finish the utility app or do this game. I do run a games company, after all.

Ah yes, the question I mention in the subject. This is something I started thinking about during the updates to Dapple but didn’t feel like it was worth starting near the end of a project. I’ve been thinking about recording some developer video diaries, but wondered if that was something anyone had any desire in watching?

The videos would be short (1-2 mins each) and would document the process of creating this new game. I think that games development is exciting, but I wondered if anyone else was curious enough about the development process to watch the videos.

Thoughts? Comments? Opinions?
